Shop local, when possible.

Let’s be honest, convenience is great.

With just a touch of a button and from the comfort of your own home, you can order and receive pretty much any book you want right to your doorstep. I mean, what’s there not to like about that, right?

But you know what else is great?

The welcoming smile of someone eager to help you find the perfect gift, the feeling of holding a new title in your hands for the first time and the smell of books proudly displayed in an independent book store.

That’s why when possible, please order from an independent book store.

Together let’s make sure we support those who are fighting the good fight to keep the doors open on our high-street shops so that generations to come can still experience the magical feeling of touching, smelling and falling in love with a book.

Thank you!

Mark x

PS: Glow in the Dark is available from the following book retailers and anywhere else that sells books.